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18 week weight loss program silver nutrition and training up to 2 times per week


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Are you looking to transform your body? Do you want to make a change that lasts? Then our Weight Loss program is the perfect choice for you! For just £38 per hour, you can get started with an 18 week program that gives you all the tools and support necessary to achieve success.

At the beginning of the program, we will offer a free initial assessment to evaluate your individual needs and goals. We’ll give you access to The Preservation Clean Eating Guide, so you know exactly how to make healthy changes in your diet without having to worry about starving yourself. If you choose our DNA test option, we’ll be able to create a perfectly tailored nutrition package designed solely for your specific needs.

Along with this, each customer receives two or three sessions per week, access to our Youtube channel and online training systems, weekly measurements and photos, BMI and body fat tracking as well as constant communication and feedback from your trainer. With so many great options available it’s no wonder why our Weight Loss program is one of the most popular choices around!

So why wait? Start transforming your life today by signing up for our Weight Loss program today!


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