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Mad about minerals

health minerals

Mad about minerals

Have you ever looked at one of your house plants and wondered why its leaves are falling off, or that it just won’t grow?! 

Plants are just like humans

Plants are just like humans in that if you give a plant the correct amount of minerals, it will thrive. The same is true of human beings. 

Did you know, for example, that a plant has 14 essential minerals that it needs to live a happy life? These include calcium magnesium, iron, copper and zinc. Most of these minerals we human beings also rely on for life. 

Human beings require 16 essential minerals, which is only two more than our sun-loving partners – plants. Hence the saying ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Meaning we primarily came from the ground, and when we pass away, we return back to those trace elements listed below. 

Are you getting the idea? 

Potassium Power

So back to one of that trace elements potassium. Potassium helps to inhibit the correct functioning of the central nervous system, and it is the main intercellular ion for all types of cells while having a significant roll in the maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance. 

To sum up potassium, it is necessary for the function of all living cells and is present in all mammal animal and plant tissues. In humans, it is essential for water and electrolyte balance and the proper functioning of cells. Again nuts are a fantastic source of minerals so I thought I would take the time to list each mineral and break down for you how much of each is in say, 100 grams of mixed nuts 🙂

CALCIUM 70mg – 7% OF RDA
IRON 3.7mg – 21% OF RDA
MAGNESIUM 225mg – 56% OF RDA
SODIUM 12mg  – 1% OF RDA
ZINC 3.8mg – 25% OF RDA
COPPER1.27mg – 64% OF RDA
MANGANESE 1.93mg- 97% OF RDA