Are you looking for an effective, all-in-one program to jumpstart your weight loss goals? We’ve got the perfect package for you! Our Weight Loss Package All Included has everything you need to get started on the path to sustainable and healthy weight loss and all round better weight management.
Included in this package is an initial assessment with an Experienced, Qualified, Personal trainer, who will work with you every step of the way. We offer two or three sessions per week. We also take your Biometric measurements ( BMI, BODY FAT, FAT-FREE BODY WEIGHT, SUBCUTANEOUS FAT, VISCERAL FAT, BODY WATER, SKELETAL MUSCLE, MUSCLE MASSS,BONE MASSS,BMR AND BASEL METABOLIC RATE, and your blood pressure) with one photo every month (but this is of course optional) and every four weeks as a way of tracking your progress.
You’ll also have access to our online training systems using Microsoft Excel and YouTube channel at any time which will provide constant communication and feedback from your Trainer as well as personalised nutrition advice tailored only to what you need or want. Every four weeks there will be a new nutrition package created based off updated measurements and results so that we can always ensure that your program speaks directly to your needs.
Don’t wait any longer – take control of your health with the Weight Loss Package All Included today!
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